Photo Highlights, 1998 NE-183/NC-140 Tours -- Oregon

Anita Azarenko, Oregon State University, and co-host of the 1998 NE-183/NC-140 Annual Meetings, shows NE-183 scientists a sweet cherry cultivar/training trial at the Lewis-Brown Farm. The trial consists of sweet cherry selections from Dr. Frank Kappel of the Agriculture Canada Research Station in British Columbia. Note the wide crotch angles between leader and lateral branches achieved by tying the branches 'down' with string.
Brothers Jeremy and Matt Compton pose within the oldest living planting of apples on M9 rootstock. Jeremy, Plant and Soil Science Technician, manages the 1995 NE-183 planting at Rutgers Snyder Farm in New Jersey. On the other coast, Matt, watches over an identical planting at Oregon State University's Lewis-Brown farm. It must be in their blood!

  Outstanding in their fields, Dr. Curt Rom, University of Arkansas Dept. of Horticulture, and Don Outland, Asst. Sales Representative for TREECO Nurseries. Rows in this apple stoolbed are one-half mile long.
Dr. Gene Mielke, Oregon State University Pomologist, guides the NC-140 Technical Committee through numerous pear, cherry, and apple rootstock plantings at the OSU Hood River Station.  

   Win Cowgill and Drs. George Greene (Pennsylvania State University) and Peter Hirst (Purdue University) enjoy the "dry rain" at the Hood River Station.
 'Liberty,' a scab-resistant apple cultivar, was one of the apples on display for the annual NE-183 Technical Committee Meeting Apple Variety Display.