The following is a draft agenda for the NE-183 Technical Committee Meeting to be held at Penn State University, Fruit Research and Extension Center, Biglerville, PA November 5-7th.

Please review. If you have corrections, revision, additions or deletions, please advise me and I'll update prior to the meeting as appropriate.

You will note toward the end of the agenda under “Item 13 - State Reports” that I have proposed that we discuss the the 1995 planting (and 1999 planting if necessary) by cultivar name rather than alphabetically by State. I believe that this will help to focus the discussion on each cultivar in order to obtain a clear sense of the attributes and long-term potential of each of the cultivars under test. In the past we have discussed reports by state. What are your thoughts on this approach? Please let me know if you approve/disapprove of this change since it would alter the concluding discussions of the meetings compared with past years.


John A.Cline
NE-183 Technical Committee, 1999 Chair

NE-183 Technical Committee Annual Meeting

Friday November 5-6th, 1999, Biglerville, Pennsylvania

Draft Agenda

1. Welcome - G. Greene and R. Crassweller

a. Announcements
b. Plans for the Meeting

2. Introductions - G. Greene

3. Review of membership and participants’ list - J. Cline

4. Adoption of Agenda

5. Comments by Administrative Advisor - R. Seem

6. Comments by CSREES Representative – Cecil Stushnoff,

7. Comments on Importation of Plant Material – Dr. Gary Kinard, USDA-ARS - APHIS Beltsville, MD

8. Plantings and Committee Reports

A. 1995 Planting - R. Crassweller, Chair

i. Horticulture subcommittee - R. Belding
ii. Pest Management subcommittee - D. Johnson
iii. Economic subcommittee – B. Lord
iv. Fruit Quality subcommittee - S. Miller
v. Data Management

a) Data Analysis and Statistics - R. McNew
b) Summarization of data - R. Crassweller

B. 1999 Planting D. Greene, Chair

i. Horticulture subcommittee - R. Belding
- name changes?

ii. Pest Management subcommittee - D. Johnson
iii. Economic subcommittee _______
iv. Fruit Quality subcommittee - S. Miller
v. Photography - S. Brown
vi. Data Management

a) Data Analysis and Statistics R. McNew
b) Summarization of data (need to elect)

C. Third 2002 ? Planting

i. Appoint apple cultivar selection committee
ii. Other business pertaining to third planting

9. NE-183 Web Site and electronic communication

10. Future Meetings

2000 - ?
2001 - ?

11. Nominations and Election for Secretary

Current Officers:

Chair 1999, John A. Cline
Secretary 1998, Vice Chair 1999, Chair 2000 – Teryl Roper
Secretary 1999, Vice Chair 2000, Chair 2001 - Peter Hirst
Secretary 2000, Vice Chair 2001, Chair 2002 – To Be Elected

12. Other Business

13. State Reports - By Cultivar

Cultivar Number in Planting, Cultivar

7 Arlet
8 BC-8M-15-10 (Creston)
1,2 Braeburn
9 Carousel
10 Enterprise
11 Fuji Nagafu #2
12 Gala Supreme
13 Ginger Gold
3,4 Golden Delicious
15 Gold Rush
14 Gold Supreme
16 Honey Crisp
17 NY429
18 NY75414-1
19 Orin
26 Pioneer McIntosh
20 Pristine
21 Sansa
23 Shizuka
24 Sun Crisp
25 Sunrise
5,6 Yataka

14. Other Reports

15. Adjournment

updated 10/18/99