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Experiment 1:

At harvest, fruit from each treatment limb was counted, weighed and collected for evaluation. It
was determined that excessive deer pressure had jeopardized our statistical analysis of thinning
results as when comparing t bloom counts as compared to fruit counts at harvest on the individual
treatment limbs. Since fruitlet counts had been assessed after the completion of June drop, it was
determined that analysis of these counts as compared to bloom counts would give a more accurate
assessment of the treatment efficacy.

Harvested fruit was evaluated for mature seed production, fruit russet, fruit deformation, L/D
ratios and overall fruit weight.

On the Thinrite (endothall) treatment some phytotoxicity of the leaves was observed following the
application (Photo 3). The Phytotoxicity symptoms to the foliage resembled cold injury. We
determined it to be insignificant. No injury to the fruit was observed.

IMAGE Imgs/endothall10.gif

zmeans separation within column by Fisher's LSD, 5% level

When comparing treatment results to the Untreated Control:
*All treatments except Sevin + oil reduced crop load
*Sevin +oil increased the total number of seeds per fruit.
*No treatments increased fruit russeting.
*The endothall treatment significantly reduced the number of fruitlets per 100 blossom clusters
by 36% as compared to the Untreated Control
*There were no significant differences between any thinning treatments in the number of fruitlets
per 100 blossom clusters.
*Endothall significantly increased average fruit weight by 23.6% as compared to the Untreated
*All treatments significantly increased average fruit weight

Experiment 2:

The results of this trial were not replicated or statistically analyzed. They were evaluated for
demonstration purposes only.

Thin Rite was effective in reducing the number of fruit set in the three demonstration cultivars as
compared to both the Untreated Control and NAD treatments.

Golden Delicious expressed the most phytotoxicity to the foliage in this experiment although all
cultivars showed some level of phytotoxicity. We determined it to be insignificant on all cultivars.
The fruit on all three cultivars showed no phytotoxicty .

1999 NJ Endothall Thinning Studies